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September 2021

The Earthvalues Institute under the Naturehood initiative was able to help motivate and educate the students and faculty at both Franklin and Hemmingford elementary school, located in South Western Quebec.

Both schools have creating more Nature-based programs within the school, creating new biodiversity projects and a Migratory Bird Monitoring Project.

Photos show instructor Myka Taylor’s last presentation and visit to the schools

Franklin’s Outdoor Classroom

Naturehood Presentation

by Myka Taylor

Presentation Theme: “Fall Colors” & “Nature’s adaptations to Winter”

New Bug Hotel (Biodiversity Area)

Each school installed bird house, bird feeders and bird baths.

The school was given bird indentification posters for a Migratory Bird Project. Students keep track of the type of birds that visit and monitor what birds are present in each month.

Living Schools use Nature as teacher and guide…

Email from a Naturehood participant’s parent, sent to the school principal.

Hi ______

I just wanted to tell you how much _______ loved Myka’s presentation today. Despite how quiet she was at the gate she talked non-stop all the way home about the animals she got to see and touch and all the interesting facts she learned. She was thrilled with it. She said the presentation was 45 minutes but felt like 10!

Thank _________ please! It was a great idea to have her in!

Have a great weekend!


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Chris Adam, Executive director of the Earthvalues Institute, recently co-authored chapter 14 in the published book Living Schools: Transforming Education. Chapter 14 is titled “Nature and place-based orientation: Well-being for all. A story of Dawson College’s Living Campus”.

This chapter is the direct result of a two-year Action Conservation project that Earthvalues implemented at Dawson College from 2006-2008. This program was the precursor to the sustainability program at the College and led to Living Campus, inspiring others to follow.

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Montreal, Canada - April/May 2014

In April and May of 2014, two pioneering programs were piloted in Montreal: a Positive Aging series of workshops and a Sustainable Happiness certificate program hosted by Dawson College.

Chris Adam and Dr. Catherine O’Brien planned and implemented these programs and are now evaluating results and planning for training sessions and capacity building.

April 10th, 2014

Dear Guest,

Dawson College will have the privilege of hosting the Sustainable Happiness: Launch Event to raise funds for the world’s first scholarship and to announce a certificate in Sustainable Happiness that will be offered at Dawson College.

These three partners – Dawson College, CCS Community Services and the Earthvalues Institute – are sponsoring the pilot certificate course in May to help educate the new generation of students in this field of study.

Dr. Catherine O’Brien, an associate professor in the education department at Cape Breton University in Nova Scotia, will speak at the event. She established the following definitions of sustainable happiness:

Happiness that contributes to individual, community and/global well-being without exploiting other people, the environment or future generations.

She established the world’s first university course on sustainable happiness that she has been teaching since 2009. O’Brien has found that as her students discover that their happiness and well-being are intertwined with the happiness and well-being of others and the natural environment, they readily choose to shift towards healthier, more sustainable lifestyles.

You can find out more about the course and sustainable happiness at:

We look forward to seeing you at the Sustainable Happiness: Launch Event!


Lianna Della Vecchia

Communications Coordinator Community Recreation and Leadership Training Student Dawson College

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